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- Dirt Therapy -

Top: oakmoss, earth, green - Middle: sweet hay - Bottom: earth, sandalwood

Dirt Therapy is a fragrance that embodies the true Kansas farm spirit. This alluring scent incorporates calming Earth notes, a touch of Sweet Hay, with deep woodsy undertones. This therapeutic essence is perfectly reminiscent of the Spring thaw, and perfect to bring Spring Cleaning to a new level. This essence digs deep for a truly rich, smooth, and relaxing feeling.  Our signature Dirt Therapy fragrance has a wonderfully calming and light essence.

Dirt Therapy - Room Spray

  • Prairie Wildflower- Room Spray. Each bottle contains 4oz of room spray.  Just shake, and spray upwards into the air. As the mist settles, enjoy relaxing fragrance in your space!  Perfect for home, office, and bathroom.

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